The Future of Digital Marketing Specialists in the USA

thousands of kilometers away in a matter of seconds. The establishment of the World Trade Organization (WTO) has seen the globalization of marketing. Geographical and cultural distances between countries have been greatly reduced. From that, the world has become a market. This has given marketing a global dimension. The concept of marketing development is evident from the above evolutionary and developmental stages of marketingMarketing is 

above all the giving of a standard of living to the community. Professor Malcolm McNair has said that “Marketing is the creation and delivery of standard of living to the society”. By making available the uninterrupted supply of goods and services to consumers at a reasonable price, marketing has played an important role in raising and maintaining living 

standards of the community. Community comprises of three classes of people i.e., rich, middle and poor. Everything which is used by these different classes of people is supplied by marketing.rketing as a Source of Income and Revenue: The performance of marketing function is all important, because it is the only way through which the concern could generate 

Revenue or income and bring in

profits. Marketing does provide many opportunities to earn profits in the process of buying and selling the goods, by creating time, place and possession utilities. This income and profit are reinvested in the concern, thereby earning more profits in future. Marketing should be given the greatestGeneralization of this study can be questionable. Increasing online presence and focusing on various digital strategies do not always bring positive results. Effectiveness of 

digital marketing strategies is depended on type of company and target segment. Besides, it is highly important to understand differences between strategies based on platform level. Every social media platform provides us with different tools and ways of audience segmentation. It is highly important to have an overall digital marketing plan, as well as plan 

based on a particular platform. Furthermore, effectiveness of social media marketing campaigns can be depended on level of competition. On most of the platforms, auctions take place to determine, whose ad should be shown to the particular segment. Most of the algorithms evaluate quality of the content and determined budgets. Therefore, it is highly important to consider an appropriate budget and valuable content as importance, since the 

Very survival of the firm depend just

a few critical touchpoints (Kotler, Kartajaya, and Setiawan, 2016). One of the touchpoints being email marketing. According to Zahay (2020), email marketing is well suited to the digital age. Hanna, Swain, and Smith (2015) elaborated that email is not just a communication tool used by marketers. Rather, it is the most pervasive communication tool used by almost 

everyone. According statistics, revenue from email marketing has reached more than 9 billion in 2022 globally. It is anticipated that the revenue will be around 17.9 billion by 2027, which means that email marketing is still actively considered as key strategy (Statista, 2022). Harden & Heyman (2009) claimed that the trend for major advertisers is to pull money away 

from traditional media to spend more online. It is important to note that traditionally, marketing always starts with segmentation and targeting. Thus, segmentation and targeting also exemplify the vertical relationship between a brand and its customers. In digital economy, customers are socially connected with one another in horizontal webs of communities (Kotler, Kartajaya, and Setiawan, 2016). It important to note that most online marketing channels 

Come with their own analytical tools

Alford & John (2014). Moreover, Shanks (2016) maintained that everything you do socially needs to better serve your buyer. Consequently (Janse, 2019; Newman, 2018) presented 6W marketing model to better analyze customer insights that allow SMEs make calculated decisions. Search engine marketing is widely used in the world. According to Statista (2021) 

market share of search engines was considerably high in the world in 2021, which means that search engines were attractive to companies, as well as customers. Major player in search engine marketing was Google, which accounted for more than 85% of total market share. The company was followed by Bing, Yahoo, Baidu and Yandexs on the effectiveness of the 

marketing function.respondents provided positive feedback. Social Media Marketing, Content Marketing and Search Engine Optimization were selected as top three choices. Accordingly, the authors proposed email marketing strategy was challenged. Content marketing was evaluated separately in order to ascertain role of visual content in digital marketing strategies. 


Despite the existence of various blogs and articles, possibility of visual content distribution constitutes one of the advantages of digital marketing. The research confirmed that targeting by these platforms have potential to increase SMEs continuity in competitive market. Based on the study the authors prose employing 6W marketing model to better understand the impact of each digital marketing strategy on business continuity. Moreover, the model 

presents a guide to strategically allocate financial and human resources. Lastly, the model presents details metrics about internal and external customers. SMEs have sophisticated online customers who differ according to their needs and behaviour therefore different approach to market penetration and segmentation strategies might be required. Customer characteristics vary based age, gender, and geography, therefore for business continuity 

focusing on customer profile will be needed. Hence, SMEs are required to be aware of a new technology well. 6W model can be used in a planning process though implementation of the campaign requires deeper analysis. This study ignores and does not consider specifics of the algorithms, which give content ranking. It is highly important to understand role of these algorithms, how they work and how to deal with them to get the most out of the campaigns. 

Low quality score or relevancy score will definitely affect the campaign and bring lower results. Further Research Possibilities An additional study can be undertaken to evaluate effectiveness of tools at platform level. Moreover, it is highly recommended to ascertain benefits of different content. Content marketing is directly linked with social media marketing, and it is important to investigate impact of different content in particular circumstances


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