Why USA Homeowners are Turning to Virtual Interior Design Consulting

Given the unsustainable residential construction methods used in our nation, new kinds of homes must be investigated to help to reduce the harmful effects of present building methods on the environment. Tiny dwellings, sometimes under 400 square feet, have lately attracted a lot of attention as livable housing spaces. Knowledge is lacking, though, to grasp how downsizing from a larger house affects the environmental impact and behavior of small house dwellers. This study aimed to investigate whether a declining environmental impact and downsizing to a small house have any relationship. This study gauged the ecological footprints of downsized miniature homes. Eighty people who have lived in their small homes for at least a year volunteered to complete an online survey used to estimate their ecological footprints in past larger homes and current small homes. Nine interviews were done following the poll to find interesting lifestyle choices in every participant that might affect change...