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Or encourage creativity by means of learning-by-doing, say The dangers to competitiveness found here differ greatly from those that have dominated the discussion on the carbon competitiveness of UK business. The impact of UK carbon policy on the competitiveness of high carbon industries including steel is hotly contested Although the risk is real, empirical data points to most likely exaggeration of it The government is implementing protections to

provide high-carbon businesses room to get ready for the reality of a low-carbon economy. The issue brought up here is that some businesses are not fully utilizing the safeguards paid for on risk management services in the sector by neglecting to promote the conversion to low-carbon products and technologies.Along with services helping governments and businesses to move away from a high-carbon economy, including an assessment of climate and health

risk, the services needed to facilitate the transition to a low-carbon economy involve those involved with developing and integrating low-carbon goods and enabling the circular economy Ricardo says the UK is ideally suited to offer many of the goods and services mentioned in Box. Services tailored for the low-carbon economy can be derived from Britain's leading positions in banking, insurance, legal, consultancy and accounting. Ricardo AEA (2017)

Projects that during the period up to UK low-carbon services might

expand at annual rates of 12 to 15% Low-carbon financial services: prospects and dangers Low carbon financial services are one of our strongest suit. From capital markets to project finance, equity finance, conventional bank lending and institutional investing, lowcarbon finance engages the whole portfolio of traditional financing mechanisms beyond developing specialised securities to support low-carbon projects. To become climate resilient, one must

methodically evaluate climate-related hazards to financial portfolio and insurance to make necessary investments.Recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures, which Mark Carney called for in his capacity as chair of the Financial Stability Board, show encouraging indicators of the finance sector performing such risk assessments The UK runs the danger, though, losing this long-standing advantage to other countries.

limits carbon.These nations will be positioned to export those goods and technologies to markets that have not yet developed analogous industries by using economies of scale and building low-carbon competence. In economics, this is also referred to as the "home market effect" (Krugman 1980; Hanson and Xiang 2004).BEIS is now completing its strategy for

Meeting Britain's carbon targets after the fifth carbon budget

passed in summer formmendation BEIS has to investigate low-carbon services more thoroughly and evaluate the chances to use the UK's current edge in high-value services From services, which appeal to both domestic and international markets, fourth-fifths of the value created from the UK economy comes.Natural advantages for the UK thus lay in

services for a low-carbon economy, including funding for low-carbon projects, climate-risk assessments, legal and consulting skills on low-carbon policies, and software solutions to enable a more resourcewise and circular economy. Companies in the goods sector as well are progressively combining the sale of equipment with additional services including unique

design solutions, maintenance contracts and frequent product upgrades. Policymakers have meantime, devoted far less attention to low-carbon services. Basic statistics like data on the size of the sector are absent from the knowledge base, which is deficient also. More study will be needed to grasp how best to maximize UK service exports. connected related Not only is

Innovation justified by the future export potential

but also by the very great cross-sectoral growth possibilities low-carbon technology create Research on the spill-over impacts of low-carbon innovation into the larger economy have revealed that they are on par with those in disruptive technologies including bio-tech, robotics and IT, which are the engines of technological driven growth (Dechezleprêtre et al. 2016).

From laboratory research to development, demonstration and deployment in Dechezleprêtre et al. 2016 and Grubb 2014), expert studies underline the significance of offering support during the whole innovation process. Although most people agree that British businesses and colleges perform well in terms of R&D, there are flaws in turning great

research results into listed companies and into products.Low-carbon research, innovation, and skills development should be cross-cutting concerns of the Industrial Strategy handled by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), therefore fostering world-leading sectors supporting trade and investment. A foundation of the government's


fledgling Industrial Strategy is investing in science, research, and innovation. Leading on the problem, BEIS will have to ensure that its policies under this pillar give lowcarbon innovation enough encouragement. Support of low-carbon sectors must be a cross-cutting concept instead of limited to one pillar. Although low-carbon support is needed in all sectors

particularly in those most likely to present fresh global possibilities and those where carbon reporting for pertinent expertise such as in climate risk assessments is necessary. Published concurrently with this one, Financing low-carbon growth and innovation in the UK Industrial Strategy presents main proposals for the government to enhance the role of the financial sector institutional investors play. This might let French banks flourish.


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